In Trouble with the Tennessee Department of Revenue?

Frazier Law

You Need to Act Fast!

Time is of the essence when dealing with any tax authority, but especially the Tennessee

Department of Revenue. We have a common phrase in our office: it is often easier to handle a

$100,000 issue with the Internal Revenue Service than it is to have a $10,000 issue with the

State of Tennessee. While that may sound surprising, the reality is that the Tennessee

Department of Revenue can be incredibly tenacious and efficient in their pursuit of tax revenue.

Don’t underestimate the seriousness of any communication you receive from them.

Tennessee is one of the few states without a state personal income tax. This means that

businesses in Tennessee bear the direct responsibility for funding the state government. As a

result, the state is particularly focused on ensuring that businesses are correctly reporting and

remitting all taxes owed. This heightened scrutiny makes it even more critical for businesses to

be meticulous in their tax compliance.

The State of Tennessee is extremely protective of all tax revenues, but especially Sales and

Use Tax. This tax comprises the largest single element of revenue for the state, making it a

prime focus for the Department of Revenue. Even small discrepancies in sales tax filings can

trigger an audit and lead to significant penalties if not addressed promptly and correctly.

One of the most critical aspects of dealing with the Tennessee Department of Revenue is the

extremely tight time constraints involved in contesting an assessment. You only have a very

limited window to request an Informal Conference. This conference is your only avenue for ajudicial review of the Department’s decision. Missing this deadline effectively waives your right

to appeal, leaving you with very few options.

The Tennessee Department of Revenue employs aggressive collection procedures. They are

not hesitant to pursue liens, levies, and other collection actions to recover outstanding tax debts.

Ignoring a notice from the Department of Revenue will only escalate the situation and increase

the likelihood of these aggressive measures being taken against your business.

If you find yourself in trouble with the Tennessee Department of Revenue, do not delay. Every

day that passes can make your situation more complex and costly. Get Frazier Law involved

immediately. We have extensive experience representing businesses before the Tennessee

Department of Revenue and can help you navigate the complex process, protect your rights,

and achieve the best possible outcome. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact Frazier Law today

at 615-510-4000 or 989-899-1040, or visit us online at

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